The ongoing Bollywood vs South cinema debate gained fresh momentum when producer Dinesh Vijan shared his thoughts on Naga Vamsi’s recent critique. At the SkyForce trailer launch event, Vijan responded to Vamsi’s statement that Bollywood had historically catered to a narrow audience, saying the South Indian industry has reshaped Hindi cinema’s narrative. Highlighting the growth of Hindi films in recent years, Vijan called for a more unified perspective, focusing on the collective achievements of Indian cinema.
Vijan’s remarks came after Naga Vamsi, during a panel discussion, claimed that Bollywood was “stuck making films for Bandra and Juhu” until the success of South Indian blockbusters like RRR and Baahubali. Vamsi suggested these films had prompted a major shift in Bollywood’s storytelling. Dinesh Vijan, however, disagreed with the regional divide narrative and pointed out that Hindi cinema has also achieved significant milestones post-pandemic, citing the success of five films surpassing Rs 500 crore globally. Bollywood’s Global Success Cited Amid South Cinema’s Rising Influence During the SkyForce trailer launch, Dinesh Vijan stated that Hindi cinema continues to hold a strong position globally. “Since the pandemic, there have been five Hindi films which crossed Rs 500 crore. Maybe we don’t speak a lot about ourselves, but the fact is we have had five huge films,” he remarked.
Vijan also addressed the perception of competition between Bollywood and South cinema, urging a broader view. “Whenever I’ve gone to the South, they’ve been very encouraging. I think if we start looking at it like it’s the Indian film industry, maybe Rs 500 crore + Rs 800 crore equals Rs 1,300 crore, right? So why don’t we aim for that?” Vijan said. At the SkyForce event, Akshay Kumar, who stars in the upcoming film, supported Vijan’s stance but chose not to delve into the debate further.
Speaking of SkyForce, it is scheduled to release on January 24, 2025. Besides Akshay, the film stars debutant Veer Pahariya along with Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur.
Also Read: Sky Force trailer launch: Dinesh Vijan calls Akshay Kumar “Thanos” of MHCU; latter disagrees with patriotic drama being called their first project, watch to know why!
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