Actress Neha Dhupia recently paid a touching tribute to her late father-in-law, the legendary cricketer Bishan Singh Bedi, through a deeply personal gesture. Neha shared the story of a special gift she received from him—a vintage Indian cricket sweater he once wore during his illustrious career. The sweater, now a cherished family heirloom, holds immense historical and sentimental value, symbolizing the enduring legacy of one of India’s most iconic cricketers.
Neha, who is married to actor Angad Bedi, recalled the heartfelt moment she received the sweater as her wedding gift. “When I married Angad, I had my heart set on one particular piece of memorabilia. It’s not just a sweater; it’s a piece of history that embodies the spirit and legacy of Indian cricket. I asked for it as a wedding gift, and dad graciously obliged. To me, it represents resilience, excellence, and an eternal connection to the sport he loved so much,” she shared.
The sweater, adorned with the emblem of Indian cricket, was a symbol of pride for Bishan Singh Bedi, who wore it during several iconic matches. This year, Neha honored his memory by donning the sweater while attending a test match during India’s tour of Australia. “I feel an overwhelming sense of pride and nostalgia wearing this sweater,” Neha expressed. “It’s not just a souvenir; it’s a living reminder of the immense legacy my father-in-law has left behind. It represents an era of cricket that was played with unparalleled passion, grace, and integrity.”
Neha also shared her emotions in a heartfelt post on social media. She wrote, "Wearing this sweater has a different kind of warmth… I remember so clearly when dad asked what I’d like as a wedding present. I told him I wanted his test cricket sweater. It would be the most special gift for me, and he made it happen. Along with his strength, resilience, talent, and generosity, I now carry a sense of honor donning this while watching my first tour of India live. We miss you every day, dad…"
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Through this emotional gesture, Neha Dhupia not only honored the memory of Bishan Singh Bedi but also celebrated his monumental contribution to Indian cricket.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Neha Dhupia on the subject of Bad Newz, “Didn’t know it was biologically possible, got to know very late in my life via this film”
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